Why should I visit the dentist office regularly?
Cavities that are left untreated can lead to extreme discomfort and tooth loss. Dentists can also watch for and help prevent problems, from things like bad breath and yellowing to more serious issues like gum disease and tooth erosion.
With so many different toothbrushes and pastes available today, how do I choose which one is best for me?
Pick a toothbrush that has a small brush head and bristles to help you to get those
hard-to-reach places in your mouth. It should also have soft bristles that are gentle on your teeth and gums.
As long as your toothpaste contains fluoride, the brand you buy really doesn’t matter. Fluoride works to fight plaque and cavities. While there are many other added features, such as whitening, tartar control or antimicrobial, fluoride is the most important.
Are dental X-rays safe? Are they necessary?
Yes, dental X-rays are safe. They require exposure to very low levels of radiation, which makes the risk of potentially harmful effects very small. Generally people only need to get X-rays taken every year unless a specific problem exists.
Dental X-rays help expose things that do not appear in a normal examination. Some of these include:
- small areas of decay between the teeth or below existing fillings;
- infections in the bone;
- periodontal (gum) disease;
- abscesses or cysts;
- developmental abnormalities;
- some types of tumors.
What is the correct way to floss my teeth?
Using 12-18 inches of dental floss, hold a one-inch length between the thumbs and index fingers of both hands. Slide the floss between your teeth then gently scrape it up and down against the side of each tooth to clean off plaque.
How many times a day should I brush and floss my teeth?
You should brush your teeth at least twice a day and you should floss at least once a day.
When should I take my child to the dentist for the first time?
Children should begin coming to the dentist around the age of three unless there are specific concerns.
When is my child old enough to brush by himself?
We suggest you brush and floss your children's teeth until around age eight. After that, continue to supervise to make sure they're brushing properly. Don't forget to introduce flossing early as well - as soon as your child has a few teeth, you can begin scraping them gently with floss to clean them and to start instilling good dental habits.